The philosophy of PV3 Tax Inc.

To care about our clients and do what we say we are going to do.

What do the Dots on our Logo mean?

2617 - Hessed

On the left side our our logo you will notice dots that represent an abacus that reads 2617. 2617 represents the numerical lookup number (via Strong’s Concordance) for those translating the Ancient Hebrew word “Hessed” which translates to the English word for Loving Kindness.

When we think of “Hessed” we think:
Care about our clients
Put client needs first
Be Patient & Kind
Be motivated to see others succeed
Service above self
Mercy when required
Forgive others

517 - Emeth

On the right side our our logo you will notice dots that represent an abacus that reads 571. 571 represents the numerical lookup number (via Strong’s Concordance) for those translating the Ancient Hebrew word “Emeth” which translates to the English word for Faithfulness.

When we think of “Emeth” we think:
Do what you say you are going to do
Hard Work
Doing before being asked
Follow-through and Follow-up
Truth in all circumstances
No Hiding bad news. No hiding things period.
100% Trustworthiness & 0% Dishonesty
Quality & Speed

Message from Randy

While I see the importance of year end accounting, I have always preferred the idea of working with small businesses on a regular basis vs what most accountants do. They compile your accounting once a year for the sole purpose of corporate taxes or government filing. There is more to business than just filing government paperwork as important as that is.

At PV3 Tax Inc. we desire to help our clients create and maintain accounting systems that will give them the data they need to make the business decisions that will help their businesses grow.

One of the favourite parts of my job is holding strategic planning sessions with my clients and watching them formulate and implement new business strategies to move their business and non-profits grow.


We can help.


Bring your ideas to life

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Build your confidence

It can be intimidating to start your own business. Learn to present yourself and your concepts with confidence.

Expand your potential

We want to help you meet your maximum potential, whether it’s helping you building brand loyalty or expanding your business offerings.